Center For Arts & Equity

September 2, 2022
Show at 5:00 pm
Doors open at 
FREE in adv.
FREE at the door
130 Pine Street, Florence


Opening Reception

Barbara’s paintings evoke a presence – the observer / painter coming upon a pool of water in a garden or forest, in a state of suspension. They embody looseness and fluidity while navigating nuanced layers and brushstrokes. These pools regard water as an element to get lost in, absorbing and reflecting, while revealing glimpses and hiding multitudes. In the paintings there are shadow and reflection shapes, colors of bright sky or sunset, and an edge – a hint of containment. As the paintings are worked, the shapes and layers shift, until surface and shadow still, and knock against the edges. Barbara is interested in the pool as a subjective inner space, revealing a transient state of mind and heart, arrived at through painting.

Join us for the opening reception of her latest show, Suspend. Free and open to the public.

Barbara Neulinger
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