Center For Arts & Equity

May 16, 2024
Show at 12:10 pm
Doors open at 12:10 pm
FREE in adv.
FREE at the door
130 Pine Street, Florence, MA

Cascade of Bells

Mill River Flood 150 Year Commemoration

The sudden collapse of the Williamsburg Dam in Western Massachusetts let loose a flood that swept away parts of Williamsburg, Skinnerville, Haydenville, and Leeds. It killed 139 people, all within an hour.
It was the first major dam disaster in the U.S.
A working group from across the Mill Valley has planned events to remember the disaster and honor the victims.
Beginning at 12:10 pm, listen to the relay of church bells from Williamsburg to Haydenville, to Leeds, to Florence, to Northampton to Holyoke. Each town and village will ring the bells 19 times, for a total of 139--once for each flood victim.
First Congregational Church of Williamsburg, 12:10 pm
Haydenville Congregational Church, 12:20 pm
Our Lady of the Hills, Haydenville, 12:30
Leeds Chapel, 12:40 pm
Florence Congregational Church (BOMBYX), 12:50
Smith College Bells, Mendenhall Tower, 1:00 pm
Churches in Northampton, 1:10 pm
Smith College Handbell Choir (in front of First Churches), 1:20 pm
United Congregational Church of Holyoke, 1:30 pm
To learn more about the Flood, visit Historic Northampton's website.
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