Center For Arts & Equity

April 27, 2024
Show at 10:00 am
Doors open at 9:30 am
$75 in adv.
same at the door
130 Pine Street, Florence

Hysteria: Reclaiming the Collective Body | April Session

Western societies have proven unable to turn back the tide of ecological, economic and social disintegration that threatens life on earth. Our cultural hands hold the wheels of global economic and political systems. We have thrown billions of dollars and endless campaigns at the issues we face. And still we spiral into collapse. 


Here in Northeast Turtle Island, spring rises again and new life emerges. Hysterical Society is sensing a new rising in our bodies as well. In March we marked the shift from a 600 year winter in our souls. Together in our first gathering we grieved what is lost:  dead ancestors never honored, parts of us, our systems and our societies that are no longer suited for this time. By letting them die we added that as compost to the seeds that want to emerge now. 


Not long ago, Europe was ground zero for a genocide, grounded in patriarchy, against custodians of indigenous knowledge. A narrative emerged that indigenous, female and two spirit bodies are dangerous abodes of malice and disease. Thousands were burnt at the stake, hung, tortured and locked away. And thus a fear based system of control and compliance severed our grandmothers’ bodies from the land. We remain unrooted. Our inheritance includes a history of separation but it also includes a story of what came before: deep belonging and interconnected relationships. 


We practice the eros energy of spring: what seeds of desire are rising in ourselves, our societies and the land which never stopped singing to us?


Join Hysterical Society for a day of ceremony, sensory exploration, reflection and creativity. Designed for European descended folx, open to anyone. A time of repairing, reflecting and creating from a place of embodied memory. A requiem for our grandmothers’ grandmothers and the protection and wisdom they kept for us. This knowledge lives on within us, despite efforts to erase it. Now is the season of spring-ing forth again. 


Delightful food play and nourishment included. Light movement and outdoor light activity expected.

Hysterical Society
Suzanne Bowles
Kyra Kristof
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