Center For Arts & Equity

June 9, 2024
Show at 2:00 pm
Doors open at 1:30 pm
Sliding Scale in adv.
Sliding Scale at the door
130 Pine Street, Florence, MA

I Just Keep Talking

Nell Irvin Painter In Conversation with Lisa Baskin

Professor Emerita of American History at Princeton University, Nell Irvin Painter and Ms. Baskin will discuss issues ranging from race in America, to Sojourner Truth in Florence, to making art in later life. Ms. Painter will also sign copies of her new collection of essays entitled, I Just Keep Talking.

Please join us after the talk for refreshments at the David Ruggles Center on 225 Nonotuck Street in Florence.


This event is sponsored by the David Ruggles Center for History and Education and the following generous donors:

Chia Collins & Michael Cohen

Al & Sally Griggs

Marty Wohl & Marissa Labozetta

Jenny Ladd

Bill Newman  & Dale Melcher

Melissa and Ousmane Power Greene and family

Gwendolyn W Greene

Nell Irvin Painter
presented in partnership with
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