J.Wail, a seasoned electro-funk auteur from the jam band universe, is kicking off the new year with an all-star lineup showcasing his consistent appetite for experimentation and collaboration. Featuring Natalie Cressman (Trey Anastasio Band) on trombone and lead vocals, Dominique Xavier (Ghost-Note, Prince) on keyboards, Kito B. (Particle) on drums, J.WAIL is doing a “WinterStellar FunkDown Tour” with this ensemble, which he road-tested back in the Summer of 2021.
The intention behind this music is to get you dancing, any which way, using an amalgam of electronic and traditional instrumentation to get feet moving and hips shaking. J.WAIL’s prior collaborations include some very prominent musicians: Vince Herman (Leftover Salmon), David Murphy (STS9), Michael Travis and Jason Hann (EOTO/String Cheese Incident), and Dean Ween (Ween), among others.
Special thanks to Florence business MBS Advisors and the Florence Civic & Business Association for supporting this concert.