Center For Arts & Equity

October 6, 2022
Show at 7:00 pm
Doors open at 6:00 pm
General Admission: $25, Premier: $35 in adv.
General Admission: $30, Premier: $40 at the door
130 Pine Street, Florence

Tuck & Patti

For 43 years this unique, genre-crossing vocal/guitar jazz duo has cast its passionate musical spell worldwide, capturing the hearts of lovers, the respect of jazz buffs, and the jaw-dropping awe of guitarists and singers. Andress, whose creative way of mixing melody, bass and harmony inspired younger guitarists like Charlie Hunter and provides the perfect counterpart to his wife’s sumptuous voice and spontaneity. To understand Tuck & Patti, start with the wellspring of love within them, then their music begins to make perfect sense. Married over 40 years, Tuck Andress and Patti Cathcart continue to stoke the fires, not only of their own love, but also of their love of life and their passion for making music together. They have a long-standing tradition: Minimalist arrangements featuring Tuck's extraordinary virtuosity and Patti's rich mezzo soprano. They recently toured with Andress' niece, Annie Clark, the Grammy-winning singer and songwriter known as St. Vincent. Years before, they had taken then-teenaged Clark on tour with them to Europe and Russia, showing her the ropes. She produced her uncle and aunt’s forthcoming children’s record, songs from which Tuck & Patti may well perform at Bombyx.

Tuck & Patti
“Not since Ella Fitzgerald met Joe Pass on stage has there been so felicitous a mating as Tuck & Patti.”
Leonard Feather, Encyclopedia of Jazz
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